The new website provides a fact-based overview on everything related to the testing of car emissions in Europe.
Through various infographics, this online platform provides clear answers to the most common questions about emissions testing, with each explanation complemented by in-depth background information. Questions include: what emissions are, how they are measured (NEDC, WLTP and RDE) and the progress that has been made reducing them.
Based on facts, this website also aims to inform the reader correctly and address common misconceptions about the car industry and emissions.
What car emissions are being tested?
NEDC: How do lab tests for cars work?
WLTP: How will lab tests for cars work in the future?
Why are there differences between lab tests and real world emissions?
Why the difference between lab tests and real-world emissions?
What progress has been made in reducing emissions?
What is the real driving emissions (RDE) test?